As an industry we are responsible for saying no to underage vaping. Join us by supporting the #NO2MINORS campaign and keep electronic nicotine delivery devices out of the hands of minors. In California the legal age to purchase e-cigarette products is 21, legal smoking age varies from state to state. Underage vaping is now being considered an epidemic, spreading awareness and responsible marketing practices is more important now than ever. IGNITE has proactively taken the steps to provide information to help stop underage vaping.
The main goal of the vaping industry is always to assist adults when finding alternatives to traditional cigarettes. The e-liquid industry is being closely monitored by the FDA. While they admit that vaping may be a solid alternative to cigarettes, their concern is that vaping products are attracting minors. Retailers do their part by checking ID for every transaction.
Check photo ID of everyone under the age of 27 who attempts to purchase vapor products. Only sell products to customers of legal smoking age (18+ or 21+, depending on state local laws). Do NOT give away free samples, including components and/or parts. Do NOT sell e-cigarettes in a vending machine unless in an adult-only facility.
You must check photo ID of everyone appearing under the age of 27 who attempts to purchase FDA regulated products and verify the customer is of legal age to purchase.
During Undercover Buy Inspections, the retailer is unaware an inspection is taking place. The minor and inspector will not identify themselves. - Nearly 1 million inspections - Over 10,0000 a month / Over 300 a day.
Stay compliant! The FDA closely monitors retailer, manufacturer, importer, and distributor compliance with laws and regulations. The FDA website says, “If you mix e-liquids, make or modify vaporizers, or mix loose tobacco, and you also sell these products, you may be regulated as both a retailer and a manufacturer.” They take corrective action when violations occur. The Tobacco Control Act restricts sales and marketing of tobacco products to youth. Let’s work together to keep these products out of the hands of minors. Saying #No2Minors is a job for all of us.